

在我们的危险中, 媒体无处不在, rapidly globalizing world, historians ask us to slow down and consider the big picture. 

作为一名历史系学生, 你会忘记整洁, black-and-white narratives, delving into the story of humanity with all its nuances, 混乱, 今天的教训.

Saint Mary’s 历史系 offers the personalized attention of a tight-knit liberal arts college alongside a rigorous research university experience. Our outstanding 教师 will guide you through 2.5 million years of human history, from the Paleolithic Era to the present day, equipping you to navigate primary texts and master modern digital research methods. You will develop your skills of analysis, 批判性思维, 和沟通, highly prized strengths for any field.

Jan 403, Decadence in Venice, taught by 教授essor Gabriel Pihas and Brother Charles


students doing their study

历史系 奖学金

In addition to need- and merit-based scholarships, incoming 历史 students are eligible for the 历史系 Scholarship, 总计13美元,000元/年.



历史 Student Research

All 历史 majors demonstrate their skills as historians by producing their own pieces of original research. Typically completed in the junior or senior year, the thesis is at least thirty pages of text.

people standing and listening to a student talk about their thesis

Students who wish to explore a topic, 主题, or subject that the 历史系 does not offer as part of the curriculum have the option of creating a one-on-one tutorial with a professor and developing an independent study. With 教师 approval, the student will engage in one semester of in-depth investigation and writing.

The criteria for the 独立学习 option in 历史 include:

  1. 总绩点3.0
  2. Junior or Senior status
  3. Satisfactory completion of HIST 10
  4. Evidence the student has done previous course work on the region of intended study
  5. The subject matter is not regularly offered in the department
  6. The student submits a proposal that includes the following:
    • Information about previous work in the region of intended study (including courses taken, 书读, 以及收到的成绩)
    • The topic to be studied, including periodization
    • A reading list for the semester, prepared in consultation with the intended 教师 advisor, for the equivalent of 27 hours
    • What writing assignments will consist of, including the number of pages
    • Timeline for completion
    • Name and approval by the 教师 advisor
  7. The proposal must be submitted and approved before the end of the semester prior to semester the independent study will be undertaken. For the Fall semester, the deadline is May 1. For the Spring semester,  the deadline is October 31.
  8. The department chair must approve the proposal

Please get in touch with the Department Chair for questions and information.

Advanced history majors have the opportunity to work with 教师 as paid research assistants.  Individual students and professors define a project to work on, including researching newspapers, 参考书目, 或档案, depending on 教师 interests and needs.  Students typically work as research assistants during the summer, but semester-long projects are a possibility.  

Please get in touch with the individual professor you want to work with for more information.



E. Elena Songster - Department Chair

Justine Wong - Administrative Assistant